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About the journal

vestnik_KGCXA_TITLE.jpg The scientific journal ‘Bulletin of the Kurgan State Agricultural Academy’

was registered on November 16, 2011 (the mass media registration certificate PI No. FS77-85086 dated March 31, 2023, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor).  

The International Publisher’s Number is ISSN 2227-4227. 

The territory of distribution is the Russian Federation and foreign countries.

The founder is the FSFEI HE Kurgan State University

The journal is included in: 

the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the degree of Doctor of Sciences should be published (list of the VAK (Higher Attestation Commission));


Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI);

the international database AGRIS (Agricultural research information system);

electronic library system ‘Lan’;

scientific electronic library ‘CyberLeninka’.

Open access to the issues of the journal is provided:

on the website of the Kurgan State University ( );

on the website of the Scientific Electronic Library eLibrary ( );

On the website of the CyberLeninka Scientific Electronic Library ( ).

Enter a subscription to the journal ‘Bulletin of the Kurgan State Agricultural Academy’ at the agencies of Ural-Press Okrug LLC.

                                                          Headings and special fields of the journal

‘Bulletin of the Kurgan State Agricultural Academy’

Sections and special fields

Branches of science in which academic degrees are awarded

 4.1 Agricultural science, forestry and water management
           4.1.1. Geoponics and crop production                                     Agricultural 

           4.1.3. Agrochemistry, agricultural soil science, plant protection  and quarantine


 4.2 Animal science and veterinary medicine

           4.2.4. Special animal husbandry, feeding, feed preparation technologies and production of live-stock products


           4.2.5. Rearing, breeding, genetics and animal bio-technology


 4.3 Agricultural engineering and food technology

           4.3.1. Technologies, machinery and equipment for the agro-industrial complex


           4.3.2. Electrical technologies, electrical equipment and energy supply of the agro-industrial complex


The materials for Publication, formatted and submitted in accordance with the rules and corresponding to the scientific fields of the journal, should be sent to: 641300, Kurgan region, Ketovskii district, Lesnikovo village, Kurgan State Agricultural Academy named after T. S. Maltsev – a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education ‘Kurgan State University’, editorial office of the journal ‘Bulletin of the Kurgan State Agricultural Academy’ or by email.


Postal address 

641300, Kurgan region, Ketovskii district, Lesnikovo village, Kurgan State Agricultural Academy named after T. S. Maltsev – a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education ‘Kurgan State University’, editorial office of the journal ‘Bulletin of the Kurgan State Agricultural Academy’


The e-mail address of the Editorial Office of the scientific journal ‘Bulletin of the Kurgan State Agricultural Academy’ (

Sukhanova, Svetlana Failevna, Editor-in-Chief of the journal ‘Bulletin of the Kurgan State Agricultural Academy’,  Advisor to the Rector's Office, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences,

Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation

Popkova, Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, editor of the journal ‘Bulletin of the Kurgan State Agricultural Academy’, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Tel. 8-919-562-38-87

The Charter of the Editorial Board of the journal ‘Bulletin of the Kurgan State Agricultural Academy’

Regulations on the Editorial Board of the journal ‘Bulletin of the Kurgan State Agricultural Academy’


The article is to be in an electronic version. The file name indicates the first author and the first three words of the article title (For example, Petrov_ Diagnostic Method Processing.doc). 

An application in an electronic form containing information about the author(s): last name, first name, patronymic, place of employment (full name of the organization in Russian and English), position, academic degree, academic title, research area (branch of sciences: agricultural sciences or technical sciences), contact phone number, e-mail address and postal address with the postal code. The file name indicates the first author and the word ‘Application’ (For example, Petrov_ Application.doc).

Requirements for article formatting