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Selection committee

+7 (3522) 65-30-30


+7 (3522) 65-49-99

Write a letter

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Information about the personal data of the authors of applications sent electronically is stored and processed in compliance with the requirements of Russian legislation on personal data.

In the electronic form in your application, indicate*:
Responsible organization*:
Indicate in the nominative case your:
Middle name (if any)*:
Name of organization (legal entity):
Specify the email address to receive a response or notification of the redirection of the case*:
Phone number:
Appeal co-authors:

Middle name (if any)*:
Name of organization (legal entity):
Specify the email address to receive a response or notification of the redirection of the case*:
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Middle name (if any)*:
Name of organization (legal entity):
Specify the email address to receive a response or notification of the redirection of the case*:
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Middle name (if any)*:
Name of organization (legal entity):
Specify the email address to receive a response or notification of the redirection of the case*:
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Middle name (if any)*:
Name of organization (legal entity):
Specify the email address to receive a response or notification of the redirection of the case*:
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Middle name (if any)*:
Name of organization (legal entity):
Specify the email address to receive a response or notification of the redirection of the case*:
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Middle name (if any)*:
Name of organization (legal entity):
Specify the email address to receive a response or notification of the redirection of the case*:
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Middle name (if any)*:
Name of organization (legal entity):
Specify the email address to receive a response or notification of the redirection of the case*:
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Middle name (if any)*:
Name of organization (legal entity):
Specify the email address to receive a response or notification of the redirection of the case*:
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Middle name (if any)*:
Name of organization (legal entity):
Specify the email address to receive a response or notification of the redirection of the case*:
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Text of the appeal*:

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 7 of Federal Law No. 59-FZ of May 2, 2006 “On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation”, a citizen in his appeal must state the essence of the proposal, application or complaint.

Please note that for the purpose of an objective and comprehensive consideration of your appeal, it is recommended to indicate in the text of the appeal the address of the place of action, fact or event described by you.

If the text of your appeal does not allow you to determine the essence of the proposal, statement or complaint, the answer the appeal is not given and it is not subject to be sent for consideration to the state body, local government or official in accordance with their competence, which you will be informed about within seven days from the date of registration of the appeal.

We would like to inform you Please note that when writing the text of the appeal in the form of an electronic document, in the text entry field of the appeal in the form of an electronic document, to state the essence, it is proposed iya, statements or complaints there is no limit on the number of characters entered.

If necessary, in support of your arguments, you have the right to attach the necessary documents to the appeal and materials in electronic form using the 'Attach file(s)' function.

Please note that the documents and materials attached in the format proposed on the site are only confirm the essence of the proposal, statement or complaint stated by you.

You can attach the necessary documents and materials in electronic form in any order [the number and acceptable file formats are indicated]. Other formats are not processed in information systems.

We inform you that the transfer of the attachment file(s) to the mail server depends on the bandwidth of the user's Internet network, and the receipt depends on the volume of transferred files processed by the mail server.

When your equipment is connected to the Internet via dedicated communication channels using ADSL, 3G, 4G, WiFi and other technologies that provide similar data transfer rates on the Internet, transfer and processing of file(s) with a total size:

  • up to 5 MB is carried out, as a rule, without time delay;
  • from 5 Mb to 10 Mb can be carried out with a time delay;
  • over 10 MB may not be implemented.
To attach the necessary documents and materials to the appeal in electronic form, click the 'Attach file(s)' button.
Please note that the confirmation of attaching the attachment file is the appearance of a line with the name of the file you have chosen. Maximum file upload size: 10 Mb.
